Jim Dixon
designer . illustrator . artist

Fairness, Bias & Access
Cover illustration depicting bias, fairness and equal access in the American judicial system.
Counterbalance is a biannual magazine published by the National Association of Women Judges.
Mr. Misogyny
Depicting the continued sexual harassment of women in the workplace.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Recent research shows the use of robots will dramatic impact the U.S. workforce.
Notes of Despair
Nearly 18 million Americans have suffered with depression. It impacts every gender, age group, race and economic group. Depression is a leading cause of suicide in the U.S., with rates among adolescents and young adults rising at an alarming rate.

Finding Fulfillment
Illustration depicting military judge's career path and her future adventures.
Counterbalance, Winter 2023 issue
The American Dream?
Young American families struggle for home ownership. It may never be more than a dream!
New Tech Trucker
A satirical portrayal of the U.S. transportation crisis. Although this image doesn’t represent a realistic solution to the truck driver shortage, the present situation just further fuel the development of autonomous semi-trucks.

All RIse
Program cover for NAWJ 44th Annual Conference, Fall, 2022
Spring Up! Spring Ahead!
Depicting inequities in the promotion of women into positions of leadership in corporate America.

Our One Community
Illustration depicting retired Judge Susan P. Finlay's work in Tanzania.
Counterbalance, Summer 2022 issue
Haves & Have Nots
A symbolic depiction of economic and social disparities in American society.
Social Media Sharks
Illustrating the negative impact of social media on society. Digital loneliness, declining self esteem, negative body image, cyber bullying, encouragement of extremism and hate and the erosion of democracy are all symptoms of over dependence on social media.

Embracing the Future
Illustration depicting the role of women in sociopolitical .
Counterbalance is a biannual magazine published by the National Association of Women Judges.

Article 1 Immigration Court
Illustration depicting the the need to remove immigration litigation authority from the U.S. Justice Department and replace it with an independent immigration tribunal created by Congress.
Counterbalance is a biannual magazine published by the National Association of Women Judges.